Saturday, August 15, 2009

1000 Words Project

Welcome to the 1000 Words Project, or my egotistical assumption that my photography is something for others to care about.

Like so many others in the economic tumult of 2009, I find myself unemployed. Now weeks into my unplanned extended "vacation," I've decided that I need to spend my time doing something other than watching Inspector Gadget on Hulu while waiting for any kind of response from the myriad of employers I've beseeched.

Enter the 1000 Words Project. My goal is to post a new photograph every day until I start a new job. It could be something from my day, or a challenge that you submit, or just something I like. I plan to write a bit about each photo as well, although it may not always be necessary--some stories only need 1000 words. This is my first blog, so you'll have to show me a little grace as I play with layouts and such.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! These are really good!! I forget sometimes how Talented Lizzie is!! Way to go. You had me actually consistering the Fabric under the iron. But really, I am lazy too. :)
